🗺️Composition of NCWA

5.1 Conference Alignment

The NCWA is divided into nine (9) Conferences aligned geographically as follows (as of the 2023-2024 season). Teams must be a part of a NCWA Conference in order to be a member of the NCWA.

  1. Great Lakes Conference (GLC) Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Ontario (CA)

  2. Mid-Atlantic Conference (MAC) North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia

  3. Mideast Conference (MEC) Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C.

  4. Northeast Conference (NEC) Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, New Foundland (CA), Quebec (CA)

  5. Northwest Conference (NWC) Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta (CA), British Columbia (CA), Saskatchewan (CA)

  6. Puerto Rican Conference (PRC) Puerto Rico

  7. Southeast Conference (SEC) Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi

  8. Southwest Conference (SWC) Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

  9. West Coast Conference (WCC) Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Nevada, Utah

5.2 Conference Realignment

An established program in the NCWA may apply for membership in a conference other than their geographical conference as provided on NCWA website that is contiguous to their Conference’s boundary.

  1. This must be approved by the Chairman and the Commissioner of the conference they intend to leave.

  2. They must then apply for membership in the new conference and be accepted by the Chairman and the Commissioner of that conference.

  3. Final approval of the transfer shall be made by the NCWA Board of Directors.

  4. A one-time exit fee of $250 shall be paid to their original conference and the program must then pay the current conference fee of the accepting conference that year and moving forward. The exit fee may be waived by the original conference.

  5. A change in the conference is for a minimum period of three (3) years or when the NCWA redraws geographical conference lines.

    New teams, approved for NCWA membership, may elect to join any conference contiguous with the border of the Conference in which they are geographically located.

5.3 Conference Board – Responsibilities

Within the NCWA structure, there will be 9 Conferences with their own local Conference Board of Directors that will consist of the following:

  • Chairman (Chair)

  • Commissioner / Compliance Officer

  • Treasurer / Director of Development

and should have the following:

  • Conference Sports Information Director (C-SID)

  • Conference Alumni Director

A list of each current Conference Board is available on the NCWA’s official website.

Each Conference will fill the positions of their Conference Board by an election to be held at their annual Conference Championships. The newly elected Conference Board will assume their duties at the conclusion of the National Championship Finals.

The current Board members will attend and vote at all conference and National meetings and sessions through the end of the National Championships. The new Board members may attend the meetings and advise the current Board Members but may not vote on any motions.

The Conference Board of Directors shall be the investigative body and finders-of-fact for the rules and regulations set forth herein. All decisions made by the Conference Board of Directors may be appealed to the Judicial Council, in writing, following the guidelines in Section 6.

A Conference Board of Directors may choose to appoint optional (advisory) positions to their Board. While an appointee to the any advisory positions may be adopted from year-to-year, said positions shall automatically dissolve at the end of the season, thus requiring the re-appointment of individuals by the newly elected Board of Directors. These appointed positions will assist their Conference counterpart in their identified state and shall not have a vote on matters presented to the Conference Board of Directors.

The Chairman duties: will be to set and administer all conference meetings; document all competition results for their Conference teams. The Chairman is responsible for completion and submission of the entire Conference Championship packet to the NCWA National Secretary/Treasurer for entry into the National Championships. In addition, Chairmen are responsible for the coordination of table help at NCWA Nationals event.

The Commissioner / Compliance Officer duties: will be to verify schedules for all teams and tournaments within the Conference; responsible for certifying the eligibility of all Conference and National Qualifiers; responsible for competition contract disputes and establish a working relationship with the local Wrestling Officials Associations. The Conference Commissioners will also function as the Conference Compliance Officers and report compliance infractions to the National Compliance Officer. It is recommended that the Conference Commissioners not be an active NCWA coach.

The Conference Treasurer / Director of Development duties: are to encourage the expansion of the NCWA within their Conference, including but not limited to, initial school contacts, an invitation to membership, fundraising and advertising the NCWA and Conference events and their respective results. As Conference Treasurer, they will be responsible for establishing a Conference bank checking account and responsible for maintaining records of the Conference membership funds.

The Conference - Sports Information Director (C-SID) duties: shall include the publication of a minimum of two (2) articles of at least 250 words each season promoting the accomplishments of their Conference. In addition, the C-SID shall facilitate the compliance of conference schools in the timely publication of competition results and required team articles on the NCWA website. C-SIDs should establish media relationships with newspapers, websites, magazines, and sports reporters.

The Conference Alumni Director duties: are to encourage the expansion of the Alumni information base of each Conference school, promote participation by the Alumni at local and national events and encourage membership in the National NCWA Alumni Association.

The Conference Board’s composite duties: will also include the following:

  1. Oversee all NCWA and NCAA rules within their Conference.

  2. Promote new programs within their Conference.

  3. Report information and competition results to the NCWA.

  4. Promote local / conference events to the various media.

  5. Selecting the Conference Championship host team and approving the venue.

  6. Oversee and direct their local NCWA Conference Qualifying Championships.

  7. Determine which Official(s) and tournament workers will be recommended for the NCWA National Championships

Last updated